less is more at Dada Market: for a sustainable Christmas

less is more at Dada Market: for a sustainable Christmas

The Dada Market pop-up is above all the desire to have a good moment. It is a place for discovering new nuggets, local, sustainable and trendy brands. In an warm atmosphere, you will be able to exchange with other visitors and exhibitors at the turn of a stand or a mulled wine.
All brands, responsible and committed, are meticulously selected.

The place
For this new edition, Dada Market has chosen to set up shop at Galerie MR8, an atypical gallery with a refined and minimalist design, with its exceptional location in the heart of the Marais.  The architecture of the gallery, a vestige of a former industrial Paris, allows the creation of a lovely shopping experience, entirely on one level.

The values
Dada Market is an eco-responsible event that highlights creators who share its values and support brands that place sustainability, naturalness, responsibility and local production at the heart of their DNA.

You will find brands that prioritize quality over quantity. A minimalist dressing room or a clean home constitute the basis of eco-responsible consumption. Few pieces, well chosen and well designed.

By using sustainably produced natural and organic materials or ingredients, we contribute to the preservation of the environment and our health.

You will find brands using recycling, upcycling goods. 

True guarantees of quality, Made in France and local commerce promote local jobs, limit the carbon footprint and guarantee compliance with social standards.

Friday 8th December - 12-8.30pm
Saturday 9th December - 10.30am-8pm
Sunday 10th December - 11am-7pm

Make sure you take time to visit us to say hi, with your friends and family.

The less is more team.

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