This Black Friday, let’s celebrate imperfection and stop waste!

get -30% off

On the occasion of Black Friday, a global celebration of excessive consumption, rather than proposing senseless price reductions, we propose you an alternative offer that seems more reasonable to us.


[Don’t misunderstand us. Promotions, why not? We love to spoil you! But pushing for unnecessary consumption is not part of our values.]

imperfect on the outside, but perfect inside

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Our “anti-waste” Black Friday

During the production of our minimalist sachets, which are filled with only the best ingredients, some sachets were considered “unfit for sale”, because they did not completely comply with our packaging quality standards: some had some small folds, some a stain, some seams were not sealed in the perfect place, etc. Small details which in no way affect the quality of the product, but which prevent us from selling them. Normally.

No more senseless wasting

Most cosmetic manufacturers and brands put these “rejects”… in the trash! Every day, 4 tonnes of cosmetics end up in the bin in France. We didn't want to contribute to this madness. It goes against our values, the concept of a more reasonable way of consumption, and putting sustainability at the heart of our brand.

At the occasion of Black Friday, give "imperfect" sachets a chance and get them at -30%! 

Limited time and quantities. Offer valid until Monday 27/11.

thank you for giving imperfection a chance !

Our externally slightly flawed sachets contain the same award-winning high quality product.


You can do something for the environment, while having the opportunity to stock up on our great personal care products.


It's our way of celebrating differences and avoiding waste.